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Enter your own email address Optional entry of Group-ID I agree to the anonymised storage of the marker note. The note is automatically deleted after 31 days.
Enter your own email address and click the send button. The contact data of the marked accommodations will be sent to the mentioned email address. You can then use them in your own email account for enquiries or forward them as information. The email also contains a link to call up the marked accommodation again. A maximum of 12 accommodations can be marked in the respective listings. Within 7 a maximum of 3 shipments to one email address are possible. The noted data is stored anonymously and is available for a maximum of 31 days. A maximum of 30 entries per group identifier are possible. Group Identifier: ... Optionally, a group identifier can be entered. The group identifier can be used to call up all the accommodation markers stored in a group. After clicking on the link for recall in the email sent, a [Show Group] button is available in the open form in addition to the [Send] button. a [Show Group] button is available in addition to the [Send] button. After a click on the button, all marked accommodations of the corresponding group ID are listed. A maximum of 30 entries per group identifier are possible. 1-Groups: Can be used, for example, for voting within a group. This applies to all identifiers beginning with 1: 1kfh23 for example. For the 1-group identifiers, only one note entry is possible per email address. After recalling and clicking on the [Show Group]-button, the accommodations marked by the group are listed according to the number of marks. are listed according to the number of markings (the accommodation with the most markings is at the top of the list). For a maximum of the leading 7 top accommodation entries, the respective number of markers will be displayed - example: 1) 11 2) 7 3) 4 usw.
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Transport in Tangstedt (Kreis Pinneberg) What transport connections are there in Tangstedt (Kreis Pinneberg)? For example important train and bus stations in Tangstedt (Kreis Pinneberg) and in the surrounding area. ✓ With search for accommodation near train station or airport
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Museums in the district town Tangstedt (Kreis Pinneberg) Museums in the vicinity of the accommodations residence and in the region. ✓ With search for accommodation near a selected museum
Tangstedt (Kreis Pinneberg) Pictures Pictures: Tangstedt (Kreis Pinneberg) and surroundings.
Video Tangstedt (Kreis Pinneberg) Video-Title: Wildeste Insel Deutschlands - Helgoland im Winter
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